Choosing the right Web Application testing for your softwares and websites

Embracing the ever-growing influence of internet, Web application testing have become an essential component of business's today. Web apps are one of the easiest to provide, fastest to develop and the most convenient to access, way for an organisation to reach its employees, clients and partners and solve some of the most critical problems at hand.

As the primary way for an organisation to reach its employees, clients and partners, web application often sees frequent and short releases to keep up with end customer requirements as well as technological advancements.

We have always appreciated this need for rapid development and deployment and aligned our test approach with this 'faster time to market' goal

Web Application Testing Capabilities

CresTech over the years has mastered the testing of web applications, ensuring that the web app is:

  • Functionally accurate,
  • Secure,
  • Performs well and
  • Meets the usability expectations of end customers.

We own the entire quality of a web application in-terms of functional and non-functional requirements

Web Application Testing Types:

Following depicts the types of testing CresTech usually undertakes to validate a web application.

Testing on Static Vs Dynamic Web App

Static Web application Testing- Key Considerations:

  • Content level testing is performed wherein the content of static pages is verified for correctness, readability and other pre-defined standards.
  • Verification if done for HTML connections, presence of no dead links, and non- functional parameters, namely Load testing, Performance evaluation and access control.

Dynamic Web applications Testing Key Considerations:

  • User session data is collected and manipulated to generate test data to provide test coverage on real user inputs and scenario.
  • Also, application knowledge and understanding is used to get comprehensive coverage of all features and functionalities.
  • Constraints and validation rules testing are performed through negative testing which intentionally violates the constraints to validate it.

Testing Web Services:

  • We test both REST and SOAP protocols
  • We use different tools and languages to test the request and response of an API

Web application test Automation:

Automating the checks adds value to most of the stable projects. We are experts in doing feasibility study and strategizing on the approach to test automation. We value all the automation tool available in the market as they help in different context and suggest the most appropriate. Our test automation helps provide more test coverage with every release, assurance of better build quality and faster time to market

Why CresTech

Our web application testing services are based on best of industry practices and are tweaked per own learnings. We leverage all the relevant tools and technologies, even building some proprietary systems in house to ensure that we have all we need to ensure that you application is of the highest quality, robust and meets end user expectations.

Other Offerings

  • 01. Automated Testing
  • 02. Mobile Application Testing
  • 03. Performance Testing
  • 04. Security Testing
  • 05. Web Application Testing
  • 06. TCOE Setup / Test Advisory
  • 07. Independent Functional Testing
  • 08. IOT Testing
  • 09. Testing Cloud Software
  • 10. Accessibility Testing Service

Automated Testing

Make test automation a key part of your test strategy and increase the velocity of your testing throughput with tool agnostic automation test experts and future ready frameworks.

Our philosophy: Evaluate-> Prove->Execute->Maintain

"Quality is not an act, it is a habit."- Aristotle

Internet Based Business

Mobile Application Testing

We believe that a right mix of skill, automation and devices are the key to the success of mobile application testing. We ensure that your end customers get a seamless experience from your mobile application, irrespective of where they are, who they are and which device they use.

"Bad programmers have all the answers. Good testers have all the questions." (Gil Zilberfeld)

Media & Entertainment

Performance Testing

A functionally correct and well designed application doesn't guarantee a win unless it's fast, reliable and consistent. Our Performance Centre of Excellence is dedicated to validating the performance of all kinds of applications and identifying bottlenecks.

We: Benchmark-> Report Bottlenecks->Recommend->Monitor.

"Only conducting performance testing at the conclusion of system or functional testing is like conducting a diagnostic blood test on a patient who is already dead."-Scott Barber

Management Consulting

Security Testing

With continuous disruption in the field of technology, new vulnerabilities are being discovered constantly and ensuring information security has become critical for the reliability of any system. With our security governance and validation services across the lifecycle of application, we ensure that security issues are found and managed as early into lifecycle as possible.

"If you're relentlessly focused on lowering cost, you’ll quickly become oblivious to opportunities to increase value." - Michael Bolton

Consumer Durables

Web Application Testing

With extensive experience in testing a range of web applications & websites, we provide endto-end testing services covering all aspects of 'Quality': Usability, Functionality, Security, Performance and Compatibility.

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."- Benjamin Franklin


TCOE Setup / Test Advisory

With a TCOE, Quality is infused into an organisation's culture through an ever evolving and scalable quality framework. Our TCOE methodology leverages people, processes and technology and consists of deploying a robust quality framework which can gradually absorb all desired projects within an organisation with minimum disruption to everyday work. Ensure quality each time, every time!

"Quality means doing it right even when no one is looking."- Henry Ford


Independent Functional Testing

Validating whether an application does what the end customer needs is the most important aspect of testing the application. CresTech believes is testing early and thoroughly with a comprehensive coverage of functional requirements.

"More than the act of testing, the act of designing tests is one of the best bug preventers known."- Boris Beizer

Banking & Financial Services

IOT Testing

The success of testing an IoT application lies in understanding the integrated environment of the devices and software application and in identifying the proper working of this complex system from its start to end. IoT testing strategy is heavily depended on the architecture, communication and purpose of the system. We validate the system as an end user, in different, real world, environments.

"Discovering the unexpected is more important than confirming the known."- George E. P. Box

Banking & Financial Services

Cloud Software Testing

Testing a cloud application is two fold: Test the product and test the service. With extensive experience in testing cloud application we have harnessed the approach to testing applications on the cloud both functionally and nonfunctionally.

"Testing is a skill. While this may come as a surprise to some people it is a simple fact."- Fewster and Graham

Banking & Financial Services

Accessibility Testing Service

We ensure that your web application is accessible to all users on all devices. Our Accessibility Auditors will validate each page against targeted compliance standards.

Our 3 step Approach: Automate Scans-> Affirm Manually-> And Recommend Changes

"If disabled people were truly heard, an explosion of knowledge of the human body and psyche would take place."- Susan Wendell

Contact Us


Phone : 0120 4320421


Phone : 1 (510) 460 1868
